About Me
Rose Reif
Rose Reif
Owner, Reif Counseling Services, PLLC
Hi, I’m Rose Reif
I’m a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor, a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor, and a Qualified Developmental Disability and Mental Health Professional. I’m also Board Certified in providing Telemental Health.
But you could really call me an advocate, a teacher, a non-judgmental listener, or a champion for my clients.
(I love helping people succeed and change in ways that no one thought they could).
Who do I help?
I help teens and adults with disabilities who dream of gaining independence, coping with anxiety and depression, finding their voice, and overcoming trauma. The trouble is that they feel controlled by people who think they know what’s right for them.
I help special needs parents who wish they could just relax, enjoy the moment, and dream freely about the future. But they feel drained and chained by the demands of lifelong parenting, and so they never quite get around to living the life they really want.
I help partners whose loved ones have acquired a disability. They want to be supportive and helpful, but they are struggling to balance the roles of caregiver and partner. They may also need a nudge to admit that they feel lonely and afraid without their old partner.
How do I help?
I guide my clients through the process of evaluating their ‘old familiar habits’ that keep them stuck and prevent them from living in accord with their true values.
I help them decide what changes will be most helpful for them, and I support them as they enact those changes. I also lead them to acceptance of the things which they have no power to change.
As a result of our work, my clients can then get about the business of facing their challenges with renewed energy, acceptance, and a restored sense of their own worthiness.
What I know + believe
I know from nearly 20 years of experience supporting people with disabilities and their family members that some days the isolation, exhaustion, and fear are so overwhelming that you don’t believe you can ever beat them. It’s easy to start wondering if you are going to be able to get through what you’re facing.
You are enough. Sometimes you just need someone to help you remember that. Let me walk with you through your struggles and help you build a life that feels good to live.
I believe that people with disabilities and their caregivers deserve to have a voice and to be heard by someone who cares. I invite you to schedule a session with me. Let’s start to explore what’s possible for you.
Credentials and experience
Some clients want to know what all the letters mean and how I got them. If that’s you, here’s the info you’re looking for:
I have an Master of Science
I received my Undergraduate degrees in Psychology and German language from UNC-Chapel Hill (Go Heels!). I went back to Chapel Hill to obtain a Master of Science degree in Rehabilitation Counseling and Psychology from UNC’s School of Medicine.
I'm a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor
I am able to diagnose and treat mental, behavioral, and emotional problems and disorders. My License is regulated by the North Carolina Board of Clinical Mental Health Counselors.
I'm a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor
Rehabilitation Counselors are the only professional counselors educated and trained at the graduate level specifically to serve individuals with disabilities. This includes an extensive knowledge of all aspects of disability as well as an in-depth understanding of critical considerations such as assistive technology and employment law.
I'm a Qualified Developmental Disability and Mental Health Professional
In addition to my graduate training and license, certifications, etc., I have over 15 years of real world experience providing and supervising support services for people with disabilities.
I'm Board Certified in providing Telemental Health
In order to best serve my clients with disabilities, I offer telemental health, also known as online therapy. Because I am licensed only in North Carolina, I can only offer online counseling to clients who are in North Carolina.
As a Board Certified Telemental Health Provider, I have received high-quality, state-of-the-art training in the delivery of telemental health services, and have passed a comprehensive examination to assess my knowledge of safe and effective practices in providing telemental health services.
Other places you’ll find me:
In addition to my counseling practice, I support people with disabilities and the people who love them in the Triangle through my work with a number of local non-profits. Here’s where you’ll find me:
- Hosting ‘Taking Care’, my television show for caregivers in need of self-care on the the Disorder Channel (available as a free app on Amazon Firestick and Roku devices). Resources that I share on the show can be found by following this link.
- Providing training to the Direct support staff at Residential Services, Inc.
- Leading support groups for caregivers who have a loved one with Aphasia at the Triangle Aphasia Project
- Serving on the Board of Directors of Kids Together Playground, an inclusive playground where kids of all abilities can play together

Media Features
Able Transition: Dreams Fulfilled podcast – Counseling, Caring, and Finding your voice with Rose Reif
AgeUK – The best disability bloggers and resources to follow in 2019
Autism Blueprint Podcast – How to manage your time and keep your sanity as an Autism parent. A conversation with disabilities counselor Rose Reif, LPC
Brave Together Podcast – Self Compassion vs. Burnout and what to do about both
Bustle – 10 Sensitivities you may have if you have a Sensory Processing Disorder
Care.com – Yes, you can take a vacation – even if you’re caring for aging parents. Here’s how.
Carolina Journal – Stuck: Disabled adults struggle to get care
Cary Magazine – The Scenic Route – How to vacation with disabilities
Cary Magazine – Meet the 2019 Movers and Shakers
Considerable – Should I rat out my friend with the fake service dog?
Cosyfeet – 50 helpful and useful resources and websites for older people
Glossaread – This is for all you folks who joke about being OCD & ADHD
Hello Giggles – How these 3 disabled mothers view motherhood and cope while parenting with disabilities
Health central – How to answer your child’s questions about their MS
Hibi – Supporting kids with Down syndrome through Grief
How Stuff Works – Is it OK for non disabled people to use the big bathroom stall?
Indy Week – Best of the Triangle 2016 finalist – Therapist category
LOMAH Podcast – Caregiver Emotional and Mental Health
LOMAH Podcast – Masking and Motivation on the Spectrum
Luv N Cann Podcast – Rose Reif | Reif Counseling Services
Millennial Life Podcast – The Unique Journey of Special Needs Parents
Mother & Baby – Does your child have Special Needs? How to recognize bunk therapy.
Once Upon a Gene Podcast – Therapy check-in with Rose Reif
POPSUGAR – There’s a retreat for moms of kids with Disabilities, because self-care is so important
Passporter’s Disney Every Week Podcast – Special Needs at Disney – Choosing Between Disney Cruise Line and Walt Disney World
Raising Kellan Podcast – Quarantine Strategy Series, Part 1 – Mental Health
Raising Kellan Podcast – Q+A with Rose Reif of Reif Counseling Services, PLLC
SheKnows Media – If your kid has food allergies, these travel tips could save your sanity
Special: Antidotes to the obsessions that come with a child’s disability.
Therapy and Tech with Jessica Bullock Podcast – Rose Reif tells us how she uses online counseling with special needs populations
Tonic – Everything you need to know before getting a service dog
Toronto Star – Being a parent of a disabled child means finances can be tight. Months of inflation and government shortfalls make it worse.
Verywell Family – Support for parenting a child with Disabilities
Wired Differently Podcast – 3 things to stop doing to set up wired differently children for success
WebMD – Hearing loss: Tips for better communication
Z-Living – Do you have ADD, or are you just a Daydreamer?
Z-Living – Parenting a Child with ADD/ADHD: 7 Expert Tips
Public Speaking, Workshops, and other Presentations
Reif. R., (2022, September) Five Things that Feel Right to Do as a Parent of a Child with Down syndrome that are Actually Terrible for Your Mental Health (and What to do Instead). Presentation at the Down syndrome Diagnosis Network’s Rockin Moms Retreat. Washington, DC.
Reif. R., (2022, August) Helping Children and Adults with Down syndrome to cope with grief. Presentation to parents of adults with Down Syndrome at the National Down Syndrome Society Adult Summit. Dallas, Tx.
Reif. R., (2022, August) Staying Safe at Home, at Work, and in the Community. Presentation to adult self-advocates with Down Syndrome at the National Down Syndrome Society Adult Summit. Dallas, Tx.
Reif. R., (2022, August) Five Things that Feel Right to Do as a Parent of a Newly-Diagnosed Child that are Actually Terrible for Your Mental Health (and What to do Instead). Presentation to parents of young children with Down Syndrome at the National Down Syndrome Society Adult Summit. Dallas, Tx.
Reif. R., (2022, August) The Three Kinds of Fatigue that Caregivers Face and How to Overcome Them. Presentation to parents of school-aged children with Down Syndrome at the National Down Syndrome Society Adult Summit. Dallas, Tx.
Reif. R., (2021, June) Helping Children and Adults with Down syndrome to cope with grief. Participation at the invitation of the Down syndrome Medical Interest Group. Virtual.
Reif. R., (2021, April) Panel participant, Autism Family Support. Participation at the invitation of IBM’s People with Disabilities Business Resource Group. Virtual.
Reif. R., (2021, February) Discussing X-linked disorder carrier status with intimate partners. Presentation at the invitation of Remember the Girls. Virtual.
Reif. R., (2021, January) Parenting and self-care during the Pandemic. Presentation at the invitation of Versability Resources. Virtual.
Reif. R., (2020, October) Talkback panel participant, World Mental Health Day screening of the film “Let’s Talk Mental Health” at the invitation of Believe, Ltd. Virtual.
Reif. R., (2020, September) Resilience and Case Management for Adults with Brain Injury. Presentation at the invitation of Neuro Community Care. Virtual.
Reif, R., (2020, August). Mental Health, Adjustment, and Brain Injury. Presentation and guided discussion at the invitation of the Brain Injury Association of North Carolina. Virtual.
Reif, R., (2020, June and July). Helping Special Needs Children cope with Uncertainly. Presentation and guided discussion at the invitation of the Work/Life Department of SAS. Virtual.
Reif, R., (2020, June). Potty Training and Down syndrome. Presentation at the invitation of the Down Syndrome Society of Wichita. Virtual.
Reif, R., (2019, November). Potty Training and Down syndrome. Presentation at the North Carolina Down syndrome Conference, at the invitation of the North Carolina Down Syndrome Alliance. Raleigh, NC.
Reif, R., (2019, April). Things moms of kids with disabilities do that feel helpful, but are actually robbing them of joy and energy. Presentation at the Happy Mama Retreat. Montreat, NC.
Reif, R., (2019, April). Self Care and Coping strategies for families impacted by Autism. Lunch ‘n Learn presented to families, The Autism Society of North Carolina, Wake County Chapter. Raleigh, NC.
Reif, R., (2019, February). Caring for yourself when you’re a professional caregiver. Presentation to direct support staff, The Arc of the Triangle. Chapel Hill, NC.
Reif, R., (2018, September). Is it worry? Presentation at Power Up Health Conference, at the invitation of North Dakota Center for Persons with Disabilities. Bismark, ND.
Reif, R., (2018, September). It IS worry…now what? Presentation at Power Up Health Conference, at the invitation of North Dakota Center for Persons with Disabilities. Bismark, ND.
Reif, R., (2015, December). Pain assessment and management in adults with intellectual disabilities; Implications for support providers. Presentation to Direct Support Coordinators and Senior Clinical staff, Residential Services, Inc., Chapel Hill, NC.
Boyd, L., Kahathuduwa, C., Kaufman, K., Wood, M., Barker, C., Reif, R., Whitfield, K.E., Edwards, C.L., Binks, M. (2015, May) BMI and pain predict activities of daily living (ADLs) in an obese Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) clinic population. 2nd Annual TTU Obesity Research Cluster Meeting. Lubbock, TX.
Reif, R., (2015, March) Communicating Validation in Residential Settings: Challenges, Strategies, and Benefits. Presentation to clinical staff, Residential Services, Inc., Chapel Hill, NC.
Choi, K.W., Dorfman, C., Putilin, D., Wood, M., Feliu, M.H., Barker, C.S., Reif, R., & Edwards, C.L. (2015, March). Perceived social support is relevant in the management of pain and depression among adults with Sickle Cell Disease. Poster presentation at the 2015 American Psychosomatic Society (APS) Annual Meeting, Savannah, GA.
Dorfman, C., Choi, K.W., Putilin, D., Wood, M., Feliu, M.H., Barker, C.S., Reif, R., & Edwards, C.L. (2015, March). High levels of emotional support exacerbate the effects of depressive symptoms on healthcare utilization among adults with Sickle Cell Disease. Poster presentation at the 2015 American Psychosomatic Society (APS) Annual Meeting, Savannah, GA.
Edwards, C.L., Feliu, M., M., Wood, Barker, C., Reif, R., O’Garo, K.N., Muhammad, M., Brooks, E.H., Keys, A., Hill, L., Collins-McNeil, J., Pultilin, D., Byrd, G., Binks, M., Robinson, E. (2014, September). Psychosocial implications of pain: Sickle Cell Disease (SCD). Paper presented at the 2nd Annual Joint Duke-SCD Conference on Improving Healthcare for Individuals and Families Living with Sickle Cell Disease. Duke University School of Nursing, Durham, NC.
Edwards, C.L., Feliu, M., Wood, M., McNeil, J., Reif, R., O’Garo, K.N.,…Whitfield, K.E. (2014, January). Ethnic Influences and Pain in Black Patients with Sickle Cell Disease. Paper presented at the Dorothy L. Powell Annual Global Health Lecture and Research Symposium on Increasing Access to Primary Health Care Globally in Low Income and Rural Communities. Duke University School of Nursing, Durham, NC.
Reif, R., (2013, October). Improving community interactions with people with disabilities. Lecture and Workshop developed for the Chapel Hill Police Department New Officer Training Program. Chapel Hill Police Department, Chapel Hill, NC.
Reif, R., (2013, April). Effective pain assessment in patients with intellectual disabilities. Findings presented at Duke University Medical Center Pain and Palliative Care Clinic Didactic Series, Durham, NC.
Reif, R., (2012, November). Pain assessment in adults with intellectual disabilities; Implications for support providers. Presentation to clinical directors, Residential Services, Inc., Chapel Hill, NC.
Reif, R., (2012, October). Ethical Considerations for Rehabilitation Counselors Regarding Pain Assessment in Adults with Intellectual Disabilities. Poster presentation at the NCRCA/VEWAA/VECAP Fall Training Conference, Atlantic Beach, NC.
Reif, R., (2005, April). Auditory hallucinations and delusions as predictors of work productivity in inpatients with schizophrenia. Department of Psychology Honors Poster Presentation, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC.
Research Publications
Kaufman, K., Chin, S., Kahathuduwa,C., Wood, M., Feliu, M., Hill, L., Barker, C., Reif, R., Keys, A., Edwards, C., Binks, M. (2018) BMI, Psychosocial Correlates, Pain and Activities of Daily Living in Sickle Cell Disease Patients. Progress in Preventive Medicine (www.progprevmed.com)
Reif, R. (2015) Loneliness and Spending. In Wherry, F.F. and Schor, J.B. (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Economics and Society. pp. 1051-1052. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc.
Binks, M., Kaufman, K., Wood, M.C., Barker, C., Reif, R., Boyd, L., Edwards, C.L. (2015) Sickle cell disease & obesity: Implications for pain and lifestyle management. Annals of Behavioral Medicine. 49 (Supplement 1):S241.
Edwards, C., Reif, R., Hill, L. (2015) Gestational Trophoblastic Tumor. In Colditz, G. and Golson, G. (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Cancer and Society. pp. 496-497. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc.
Edwards, C., Reif, R., Hill, L. (2015) Hair Dye. In Colditz, G. and Golson, G. (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Cancer and Society. pp. 525-527. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc.
Edwards, C., Reif, R., Reddy, P., & Feliu, M. (2015). Latin America. In S. Martin (Ed.), The SAGE encyclopedia of alcohol: Social, cultural, and historical perspectives. (Vol. 12, pp. 782-784). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc.
Reif, R., Hobkirk, A., Hill, L., Trambadia, J., Keys, A., Byrd, G., Barker, C., Timko, A., McCabe, M., Feliu, M., Robinson, E., Bryson, W., Phan, A., Chuku, P., Edwards, C. (2014). Pain Assessment in Adults with Intellectual Disabilities. Journal of Rehabilitation, 80, 19-39.
Edwards, C. L., Bryson, W. J., McCabe, M., Trambadia, J., Scott, D., Muhammad, M., Kilough, A., Sudhakar, S., Keys, A., Feliu, M., McNeil, J., Barker, C. S., Wood, M., Reif, R., Hill, L., O’Garo, K-G., N., Bulthuis, T., Peasant, C., Kidd, A. C., & Robinson, E. (2014). Treatment of PTSD in an HIV-positive Rwandan woman with a recent stroke: A case report on the role of culture, norms, and expectations for psychotherapy. Research, 1: 980.
Edwards, C., Hobkirk, A., Hill, L., Reif, R., Byrd, G., Whitfield, K. (2014). Dementia. In Andrew Scull (Ed.) Cultural Sociology of Mental Illness. (pp.184-187). New York, NY: SAGE Publications, Inc.